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7 Resolutions for You & Your SO to Make 2016 the Best Year Yet

Monday, January 04, 2016 - 1:39 PM

7 Resolutions for You & Your SO to Make 2016 the Best Year Yet
There are countless ways to improve the relationships we have with our partners, but sometimes, the simplest actions can have the biggest impact. Before you sit down to set huge, long-term goals for you and your significant other, think about what you can do now, together, to ensure a fresh (and ... Continue Reading

Breaking Up Isn't Hard to Do

Saturday, December 26, 2015 - 11:21 AM

The N.Y. Times was kind enough to report today on a new niche in the online dating industry, digital breakups. Well, it's official people, the hookup culture has come full circle. Considering today is the day couples are least likely to break up (according to Facebook) I thought I'd opine fo... Continue Reading

23 Things You Shouldn't Do In Your Online Dating Profile

Thursday, December 24, 2015 - 10:41 AM

Warner Bros. In her new book You Probably Shouldn't Write That: Tips and Tricks for Creating an Online Dating Profile That Doesn't Suck, Lisa Hoehn of outlines the mistakes you don't even realize you're making and offers step-by-step guidance to crafting a digital dating presenc... Continue Reading

Online Matchmaking, but With Dogs as Dates

Tuesday, December 01, 2015 - 9:55 AM

I want a dog, but my landlady is a cat person. I’ve whined, begged and offered a hefty security deposit trying to change her mind. Keeping a dog by your side has been considered a healthy habit for tens of thousands of years. Research shows that dogs can prompt us to be more ... Continue Reading

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Thursday, November 19, 2015 - 7:14 AM

Originally posted on Unfortunately, for many of us, we've been exposed to so many unhealthy relationships in our lives that we don't know what a truly healthy relationship even looks and feels like. So here are 10 characteristics of a healthy relationship: 1. Both p... Continue Reading

9 Signs Your Phone is Ruining Your Relationship

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - 12:51 PM

This is a great article pulled from, originally written by Teresa Newsome. Technology has been an integral part of our lives, from checking our email on the computer to tweeting your favorite celebrity on your phone, and it's not going to slow down as it takes over almost every minute... Continue Reading

Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”

Monday, August 10, 2015 - 1:40 PM

Photograph by Justin Bishop, Vanity Fair. There is a great article in the September issue of Vanity Fair written by Nancy Jo Sales, and below are the two most important excerpts.  As the polar ice caps melt and the earth churns through the Sixth Extinction, another unprecedented phenomen... Continue Reading

Why Pet Owners Are A Great Catch

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 5:59 PM

When I get ready to match my clients, one of the many things I hear is their preference for a pet owner or an animal lover. Most of the time it’s because my clients already own a pet or two, and immediately I know they’re a great catch for whomever it is that I have in mind for them. Now... Continue Reading

Your Relationship Affects Your Career More Than You Think

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 2:56 PM

A little while ago, the Harvard Business Review published an article on the advantages of having a conscientious spouse. According to the article, a recent study shows that a partner with a diligent and devoted mindset can work wonders for your career. As an expert on love and relationships... Continue Reading

Research Shows Friend Zone Is Not A Dead Zone

Friday, July 10, 2015 - 10:02 PM

Research published in the June issue of the journal Psychological Science had good news for those in the romance starved friend zone. Friends who become lovers think of each other as hotter than do strangers. When a couple started as friends first , the researchers found a marked similarity in a par... Continue Reading

Everything You Thought About LOVE Is Wrong

Monday, June 08, 2015 - 12:48 PM

Aziz Ansari, a comedian who starred on NBC’s Parks and Recreation just wrote a book along with sociologist Eric Klinenberg on the subject of love, and why people have such a hard time finding it. The authors point out that since the mid 1940's the number one way of meeting your m... Continue Reading

FBI Says Seeking Love Online Often Leads to Fraud

Friday, May 29, 2015 - 11:43 AM

FBI Says Seeking Love Online Often Leads to Fraud
This article written by M. ALEX JOHNSON, originally appeared on Social media scams and cruel cons that target lonely hearts to rob them blind were the leading drivers of Internet fraud in 2014, the FBI reported Tuesday in a survey of computer crime. In its annual online fraud rep... Continue Reading

10 Toxic Relationships To Avoid If You Want Happiness In Life, Backed By Science

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 1:19 PM

10 Toxic Relationships To Avoid If You Want Happiness In Life, Backed By Science
“All failed relationships hurt, but letting go of a toxic relationship is actually a gain, not a loss.” As youngsters we learn about sex education in grade school, the legality of marriage in our late teens, and perhaps some social psychology in college. But when it comes down to actuall... Continue Reading

Hinge Now Exposes Relationship Status

Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 4:18 PM

Hinge Now Exposes Relationship Status
I've got to give it to the people at Hinge who just decided to show their members' Facebook relationship status on their profile to expose people who may be in relationships and using Hinge to step outside of it. Or, in other words, "exposes douches trying to hide they're married&qu... Continue Reading

Is Attractiveness More Important Than Trust?

Saturday, May 09, 2015 - 7:41 PM

Is Attractiveness More Important Than Trust?
  In an attempt to make online dating decision making even simpler than what it once was, apps like Tinder, Happn, Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel and more offer the opportunity to decide who you like and who you don’t based on a picture and almost no information. This new phenomenon caught th... Continue Reading

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About Us

Joann Ward has over 30 years of experience in the dating service industry. Along with her son, CEO Steve Ward they became internationally known as the Hosts and Executive Producers of VH1 Tough Love

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To assist our clients in finding, forming and maintaining the ideal relationship we offer professional dating and relationship coaching as a complement to or substitute for matchmaking. You will meet your coach face-to-face to identify patterns, break habits, learn best practices and plan ahead.


We present your photos and profile to prospective matches and vice versa. We do our best to advocate for you and create interest. If you both accept the match we exchange numbers and expect you to get acquainted before you meet. Your feedback continuously improves the process.

*Our Guarantee. The information we provide regarding other individuals is reliable to the best of our knowledge. Everyone has their identity, age and photos verified and is subject to public record background checks. If information we provide is found to be inaccurate we discount the match and try again. We cannot guarantee or promise a certain outcome or result from matchmaking or coaching. Nothing we say or do can be construed as a guarantee about the outcome of your experience. Our past or future comments about the outcome of your experience, potential matches, estimates of fees and time frames or our opinions are not guarantees. Actual fees and time frames may vary from the estimates given.