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Are Dating Apps Ruining Romance?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Are Dating Apps Ruining Romance?

In the era of swipes, likes, and instant gratification, it's easy to wonder if dating apps are ruining romance. With millions of users worldwide, dating apps have become an integral part of modern dating culture. But beneath the surface of convenience and accessibility, lies a complex web of concerns that threaten the very fabric of romance.

As a professional matchmaker and dating coach, I've seen firsthand the impact of dating apps on relationships. While they may have revolutionized the way we meet new people, they've also created a culture of disposability, superficiality, and unrealistic expectations. In this post, we'll delve into the darker side of dating apps and explore why personal matchmaking and dating coaching may be the key to rekindling romance.

The Culture of Disposability

Dating apps have created a culture of disposability, where people are reduced to mere profiles, and relationships are treated like commodities. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that Tinder users reported lower self-esteem, body satisfaction, and overall well-being compared to non-users (1). This is because the constant stream of potential matches creates a sense of abundance, leading users to believe that there's always someone better just a swipe away.

This mentality breeds a lack of commitment and investment in relationships. Why put in the effort to get to know someone when there are hundreds of other options waiting in the wings? The result is a never-ending cycle of shallow connections and fleeting encounters.

Superficiality and Unrealistic Expectations

Dating apps prioritize physical appearance and superficial characteristics, perpetuating a culture of shallowness. A study by the Pew Research Center found that 59% of Americans believe that online dating is a good way to meet people, but 42% of women and 17% of men have experienced harassment or uncomfortable situations on these platforms (2).

The emphasis on physical appearance also creates unrealistic expectations. Users are bombarded with airbrushed profiles, carefully curated to showcase the most flattering features. This sets the stage for disappointment and disillusionment when reality doesn't live up to the online persona.

The Loss of Personal Connection

Dating apps have also contributed to the decline of personal connection and meaningful interactions. A study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture found that people who use dating apps are more likely to experience social anxiety, depression, and loneliness (3).

This is because dating apps reduce relationships to a series of digital interactions, stripping away the emotional intimacy and vulnerability that comes with face-to-face connections. The result is a sense of isolation, even in the midst of a crowded digital landscape.

The Case for Personal Matchmaking and Dating Coaching

So, what's the alternative? Personal matchmaking and dating coaching offer a refreshing respite from the superficiality and disposability of dating apps. By working with a professional matchmaker or dating coach, individuals can:

  • Receive personalized guidance and support in their dating journey
  • Develop a deeper understanding of their values, goals, and relationship needs
  • Learn effective communication and relationship-building skills
  • Be introduced to compatible matches who share similar values and interests

Personal matchmaking and dating coaching prioritize quality over quantity, focusing on building meaningful connections that lead to lasting relationships. By taking the time to get to know individuals on a deeper level, matchmakers and coaches can identify compatible matches that go beyond surface-level characteristics.


Dating apps may have revolutionized the way we meet new people, but they've also created a culture of disposability, superficiality, and unrealistic expectations. By prioritizing personal matchmaking and dating coaching, individuals can reclaim the romance and intimacy that's been lost in the digital age.

At Master Matchmakers, we believe that relationships are built on mutual respect, trust, and communication. Our team of expert matchmakers and coaches work tirelessly to help individuals find meaningful connections that lead to lasting love. If you're tired of the superficiality of dating apps and ready to find real romance, consider partnering with us on your dating journey.


(1) Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, "Tinder Users' Self-Esteem, Body Satisfaction, and Well-Being" (2017)

(2) Pew Research Center, "Online Dating & Relationships" (2019)

(3) Psychology of Popular Media Culture, "The Effects of Dating Apps on Mental Health" (2019)

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Joann Ward has over 30 years of experience in the dating service industry. Along with her son, CEO Steve Ward they became internationally known as the Hosts and Executive Producers of VH1 Tough Love

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To assist our clients in finding, forming and maintaining the ideal relationship we offer professional dating and relationship coaching as a complement to or substitute for matchmaking. You will meet your coach face-to-face to identify patterns, break habits, learn best practices and plan ahead.


We present your photos and profile to prospective matches and vice versa. We do our best to advocate for you and create interest. If you both accept the match we exchange numbers and expect you to get acquainted before you meet. Your feedback continuously improves the process.

*Our Guarantee. The information we provide regarding other individuals is reliable to the best of our knowledge. Everyone has their identity, age and photos verified and is subject to public record background checks. If information we provide is found to be inaccurate we discount the match and try again. We cannot guarantee or promise a certain outcome or result from matchmaking or coaching. Nothing we say or do can be construed as a guarantee about the outcome of your experience. Our past or future comments about the outcome of your experience, potential matches, estimates of fees and time frames or our opinions are not guarantees. Actual fees and time frames may vary from the estimates given.